
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Discover the detailed FAQ and learn how to earn money through PVP battles, utilize deposit multipliers and much more.

ComaOnline is under development. Have to read the disclaimer before taking any actions, ensuring informed and secure interaction.

We don not like having to work to earn money. We do not believe in trading and similar things. We like the idea of being able to pull out a game from your pocket anywhere in the world, have fun, and earn money. (c) COMA team

How to earn money?

Defeat another player in PVP or NPC, take their deposit, and bring it to the terminal in the green zone!

How much i can earn?

It depends on your deposit and multiplier. If you defeat another player with a deposit, you can take x2, x3, or x4 times more than your deposit.

The bigger the deposit, the more you can make at one time. The number of wins is unlimited!

  • x2: 10 (your deposit) + 10 (enemy deposit)
  • x3: 10 (your deposit) + 20 (enemy deposit)
  • x4: 10 (your deposit) + 30 (enemy deposit)

Example 1:

You defeat an enemie with a deposit of $100, your deposit is $10, multiplier x2. You can loot $10 to your deposit. You would need to loot the enemie 10 times to get $100.

Example 2:

You join a friendly guild (x3) or our guild COMA HUNTERS (x4). With your $10 deposit, you can loot $20 or $30 to ur deposit in one go and bring it to the green zone terminal.

Why are deposit multipliers needed?

The multiplier system prevents abuse by other players, encourages teamwork, and increases deposits. Taking a $100 deposit from an enemie with your $10 deposit is hard, but with your $100 deposit, it’s just one victory.

  • x2: Regular players
  • x3: Friendly guilds
  • x4: Members of "Coma Hunters"

Is it possible to use a part of the deposit?

Of course! In-game deposit and wallet deposit are different things. You can replenish the in-game deposit in the settings.

What is the minimum deposit in the game?

Minimum deposit is 10 USD in ComaToken equivalent. Amount depends on the rate on the exchange, minimum price is 0.001 USD per token.

If a player without a deposit defeats me, can they loot me?

No. The system guarantees that only players with a real deposit can be looted.

What are the game rules? What to do? How to play?

The rules are the same as most shooters with survival. Shoot more, loot more!

Why divide the open world into zones?

This feature provides comfort for players and self-regulates the level of risk.

  • Green (safe) - no damage taken
  • Yellow (PVE: relatively safe) - NPCs deal damage and can loot your inventory with players
  • Red (PVE+PVP) - direct combat with real players and AI NPCs for profit and resources

Where to get weapons for battles?

Weapons are provided for free in the green zone and/or you can find better weapons on the map, craft or loot from enemies!

Where to get ammo for weapons?

Search in the open world, loot from enemies, or buy at terminals.

What do I need to start playing?

It depends on your goals. To start, you need a computer that meets the minimum technical requirements and an Epic Games account. This gives you full access to the game except for looting deposits of enemies.

To be able to loot deposits of enemies, you need to log in to the website, connect a Web3 wallet in the settings, and confirm your deposit amount. Without a confirmed amount, you can’t loot.

I won, looted tokens, and brought them to the green zone, what next?

The tokens are yours, wait 24 hours, withdraw and sell them on the exchange!

Why do we need a 24-hour tokens lockout?

A simple protection mechanism against cheaters that limits the possibility of token theft. So, you can write a report in Discord or Telegram and our team will start an investigation, increasing the time of blocking the offender to return your funds.

The unlock time is updated during operations: Deposit Tokens, Transfrer Tokens.

Met a cheater, what to do? Where and how to send reports?

Record your screen and post it in our Discord in the #❗│report channel following the instructions. We will handle it promptly during working hours.

Found a bug, how to report it?

Take a photo/video of the bug and post it in our Discord in the #🐛│bugs-only channel following the instructions.

How to create a party and play with a team?

You can easily form a team from the game lobby, where your Epic Games friends list is displayed!

Why is a referral system needed?

The referral system allows you to earn passive income from your friends and/or community, earning 20% from each earn of invited player.

Followed all the instructions but faced issues not described above, what to do? Any questions left?

Message us on Discord or Telegram, our Community Manager will reply during working hours.

Why the game is low-poly

Low-poly models allow increase performance and make the game mobile almost “out of the box”. In general, we just like this style.

Which regions are supported?

Supports all regions except: United States, South Korea, China.


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Real heroes survive together in a dangerous open world, join and find your team!